Thursday, July 02, 2009

Organic Cloth Diapers vs. Disposable Diapers

Disposable diapers may seem easy and hassle free, however they are expensive, unhealthy, and destructive to the environment.

It is estimated that 10,000 tons of disposable diapers are thrown away each day, making their way to landfills and contributing to the ever growing pollution of our environment. Disposable diapers can take 100s of years to decompose. Cloth diapers are reusable and recyclable. You can wash and re-use a cloth diaper up to 100 times and then recycle the cloth or use it as a duster or a cleaning rag.

Cloth diapers are also an inexpensive alternative to purchasing 100s of diapers each month. A single cloth diaper may be more expensive than a disposable diaper however over time that cloth diaper can be used over and over again and the disposable diaper is only good for one changing.

Lastly cloth diapers are healthier for your child. Disposable diapers are loaded with chemicals that can cause babies to develop diaper rash and other physical problems. The air flow of disposable diapers is poor and one may find themselves letting their baby soak in a dirty diaper because it appears to be dry.

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